Body Contouring

Facial Plastic Surgery & Medical Aesthetics In North Shore, Evanston, IL

Body Contouring

When you’ve been dieting and are around your target weight, the last few pounds are often the toughest to lose. If you’re struggling with the final weight loss hurdle, Kenya Williams, MD, and the Suburban Medical Aesthetics team in Evanston, Illinois, have the answer with body contouring. This noninvasive treatment can rid clients of love handles, muffin tops, or a protruding belly and eradicate stubborn fat cells for good. Call Suburban Medical Aesthetics or request an appointment using the online booking feature today.

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is a way of removing fat from specific parts of the body where it’s proving challenging to lose weight despite following a diet and exercise program.

Body contouring uses lipolysis techniques that don’t involve surgery. Instead, a targeted heat or cold source destroys fat cells for good.

How does body contouring work?

Some body contouring devices use radiofrequency technology to destroy fat cells. When the treatment is applied, it heats the fat cells in your body to a point that damages them beyond repair. Other systems use cryolipolysis, which freezes the unwanted fat cells.

The dead cells then pass through your body just like any other dead cells, being absorbed or excreted in the months following treatment.

Suburban Medical Aesthetics uses state-of-the-art Accent Prime™ from Alma®, which combines radiofrequency energy with ultrasound. The ultrasound technology allows your provider to target specific fat cells. At the same time, the radiofrequency energy ensures you can receive treatment at various tissue depths for customized results.

Unlike liposuction or other fat removal surgeries, body contouring is noninvasive, making it far less risky. There’s no anesthetic to worry about, no wounds to heal, and no blood loss. Your provider simply directs the handheld unit to the desired area and applies the treatment.

Is body contouring painful?

Patients usually describe a feeling of warmth rather than pain during treatment. Because there’s no incision into the skin, there’s no tissue damage apart from the fat cell destruction, so unlike conventional surgeries, the recovery period is minimal.

Within an hour of treatment, the warm feeling passes, and you can carry on with your usual activities. When you touch it, you might find the area is a bit more sensitive than normal for a couple of days, but it won’t last long.

Is body contouring effective?

Most patients reduce their fat pockets by around 24% after only one session and see the full effects after three months. You might need more than one treatment to eliminate all your stubborn fat, but each one only takes around fifteen minutes.

Like any medical procedure, it’s vital to have your treatment at an approved center administered by experienced clinicians. The Suburban Medical Aesthetics team has qualified experts in body contouring who excel at using the technology to achieve your desired results.

Call Suburban Medical Aesthetics to learn more about body contouring, or request an appointment online today.